Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New Beginnings

Do not despair! There is always time for new beginnings. With God there are no failures. Start anew. Keep hope alive in your heart. Reach out to someone today. Help someone even in some small way. A smile, a word of encouragement-you just never know how many candles can be lit, from the spark you give. Someone may be inspired to hold onto their dreams. Someone may be inspired to give life a second try. Someone may be inspired to seek out love, seek out truth, look for the path to a life more abundant.

John 3:16 tells of God's love for the world. That means you, that means me. He gave, and He has not stopped giving. What will your response be to Him today? If you are not sure where to start, why not whisper a prayer in your heart. Ask God, from today, to lead your life. Ask Him from today, to be Lord of your life.

You might feel that the picture you have been painting is marred, that there is no hope for beauty, nothing to admire in the ugly, runny colors that you dashed across the page called your life. Give the canvas back to Him, and let Him teach you how to paint beautiful colors. Let Him paint a portrait of you that will be a joy to others. Let Him give your life true meaning, and purpose.

Then stand back and admire His handiwork. Truly from the beginning, what He saw was good. Let Him recreate that image of you that will make you stand tall and proud.

You can do it, but you cannot do it by yourself. Take that leap of faith today. Let go, and let God!


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5Akz6J8Rw0 -- this is a moving rendition of a famous choir song based on this verse.
