Saturday, September 22, 2012

Take A Step Back, Now Move Forward!

Sometimes we need to take a step back.  You know how it is.  When we are too close to the situation, it is sometimes difficult to understand what God is saying to us.

As we ponder the events in our lives, it really helps if we give them an eternal perspective. When we are caught up in the “moment” it is difficult to think clearly. That is why it is so important to remain closely connected with Jesus.

Jesus gives our lives meaning.  When we live purposefully we remain content and at peace.  There will be times when we lose focus but it is so important to be conscious of what is happening in and around us.

It is so much easier to bounce back when we hold firmly to His hand no matter what happens in our lives. It is so much harder to find our “way” when we leave Him to wander aimlessly.  Sometimes because of pride we do not want to admit to family or friends that we are “lost.”

Friend, try not to go wandering off in the woods by yourself!  Too much precious time is lost that way.  Really, there is nothing new under the sun.  Really, Jesus does know the way better than you do!  A spiritually mature man or woman is one who has learned to lean on Jesus, as only by leaning on Him can you gain true independence, true freedom and a true sense of direction and purpose in life.  This is one of the paradoxes of life.  By leaning on Jesus we become tall and strong.

Jesus already has our lives all figured out.  Remember he was with God from the beginning!  He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.  What better person to place our trust in!

It is so much easier to give him the controls. Show me a strong man and I will show you someone who has learned to trust in God with all his heart, and to lean not unto his own understanding.  Show me a strong woman and I will show you someone who has learned to acknowledge God in all her ways.  

When we allow God to direct our path we gain confidence.  We can move about and complete our daily tasks with the assurance that comes from knowing that we have placed our trust in someone who is all powerful yet who truly cares about us.

So take a step back, then move forward! Ask Jesus to take control of your life today!  Let Him lead you day by day.  Let Him give meaning to your life.  Give Him all your cares and trust Him to guide you each step of the way!

Leila Rose-Gordon


  1. "Ask Jesus to take control of your life today!"
    I did this morning before reading this!
